Our partners are extremely important and help us accomplish our clients goals.

Technology Partner


SHEQX management solution aggregates SHEQ data in a single database in order to manage analyse and report effectively, ensuring effective compliance and a more robust approach to corporate sustainability.


ENVIRX enables organisations to manage their risk based material environmental impacts in an integrated manner, monitoring and reporting requirements according to various processes as defined in ISO 14001: 2015 standard.

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The Integrated Management System (MSX) merges all organisational systems and processes in to one common cohesive framework that drives business excellence and ensures continual improvement.

Legal Compliance & Training Partner

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hr operations specialists

being in tune with the realities of today’s marketplace – grok provides you with an all in one specialist generalist service, providing quick and professional services to you and your business, all underpinned by sound human resources principles.

Become a partner to GRC Link

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.